Learn all about influencing Equine motion through Trimming & Shoeing 

Hoofbeat Equine Locomotion training with: 

Dr. habil. vet. med. Jenny Hagen (certified Farrier & teacher)

LEARN: how trimming & shoeing influences horse motion...to optimize your service

Practical & in depth

Do you enjoy asking questions and engaging in discussions with other experts, all in the pursuit of enhancing hoofcare to better support our horses? Join us!

  • "Our webinars are pre-recorded, giving you the flexibility to watch at your own time.
  • Each module contains 1.5-hour group discussion session where you can engage with fellow participants.
  • Expand your diagnostic skills and become an expert in identifying and addressing potential lameness issues.
  • To reinforce your learning, you will have the opportunity to submit practical homework assignments, applying the knowledge covered in each module.
  •  In our daily work, we often explore how horses move and deal with hoof issues. But since we mostly work on our own, we miss having others to talk to during the day. That's why we created this interactive program – to bring people together who  want to learn more in a relaxed and collaborative environment.

In this training, Jenny draws from her extensive experience as a farrier, veterinarian, and researcher. 

With a vast breadth of education and hands-on practical knowledge, she is the ideal coach and partner throughout this course. 

Moreover, you'll gain valuable insights from discussions incorporating data into your shoeing plan, engaging with fellow participants. The dividends from investing in yourself during this course will continue to enrich your professional journey long after it's completion.

The 6 modules contain: 

Introducing the Hoofbeat Locomotion Analysis Training Program

In Module 1: We will dive into the world of equine locomotion

Module 1: We will dive into the world of equine locomotion, exploring the function and biomechanics behind every stride. From the intricate movements of the limbs to the coordination of the entire body, you'll gain a solid foundation of knowledge to make objective locomotion analysis.

Live session plannend on: 26th of June '24

In Module 2: Biomechanics and significance of breakover

We will unravel the biomechanics and significance of breakover—the critical moment when the hoof lifts off the ground. We'll delve into the influence of trimming and shoeing on breakover, reinforcing your understanding of equine anatomy and its relation to various disorders that can affect this crucial phase of locomotion.

Live session plannend on: 31th of July'24

Module 3:  We will focus on swing phase

The period when the hoof is suspended in the air. You'll explore the biomechanics of this dynamic movement and its connection to trimming, shoeing, and related disorders. By deepening your knowledge in this area, you'll be equipped with the tools to optimize the horse's stride and enhance overall performance.

Live session plannend on: 28th of August'24

Module 4: Landing

We'll uncover the biomechanics and significance of this phase, examining the impact of trimming and shoeing on landing. Through a thorough review of equine anatomy and associated disorders, you'll develop a keen eye for detecting and addressing issues that may arise during landing.

Live session plannend on: 2nd of October'24

Module 5: Analyze the function of the proximal locomotor system

We will bring it all together by exploring how Hoofbeat can be utilized to assess and analyze the function of the proximal locomotor system. You'll discover how you can aid in identifying and addressing neck and back problems, saddle fitting issues, and training imbalances. Gain the insights you need to optimize your horse's performance and overall well-being.

Live session plannend on: 30th of October '24

In Module 6: Delve into lameness and laterality

You'll learn to recognize the subtle signs of lameness and understand the importance of laterality in equine locomotion analysis. Expand your diagnostic skills and become an expert in identifying and addressing potential lameness issues.

Live session plannend on: 27th of November'24

Completed with final exam & certifcation:

Upon successfully completing the program, you will receive your "Hoofbeat certification", a symbol of your dedication, proficiency, and commitment to the highest standards of hoofcare. This certification will not only enhance your professional credentials but also serve as a testament to your passion for promoting the health and soundness of horses.

Plannend on the 11th of December'24

Dr. habil.vet.med. Jenny Hagen

  • Associate teacher at the Horseshoeing Schools Verden and Dortmund
  • Associate professor at the ´Institute of Veterinary Anatomy Leipzig´ and head of the research group ´Equine Biomechanics and Orthopedics´
  • Former supervisor and clinician at the Horseshoeing School of the ´Clinic for Horses´, Leipzig University 

Hoofbeat Equine Locomotion training

Are you consistently curious and eager to expand your knowledge?

Our comprehensive training program is specifically designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the influence of shoeing&trimming on equine movement, with the support of our revolutionary system, Hoofbeat.

6 Month training for ONLY EUR 199,= per month

Now EUR 1.195,= in total (additional exam of 125) (Ex VAT).

What others say:

I'm very much enjoying the training!

The group discussions are great, it's the first opportunity I've had to see other people's data & interpretations.

Sam Crompton Dip DcF

The course was useful!

The course was useful to ensure I could get full use from the data provided by the system.

Sarah Logie 

The course was great & the innovative Hoofbeat system assist with our daily decision making. While providing tangible records on specific horses.

Larry Winters

Don't miss out. Enroll today!